Category Archives: PPP FAQs

Is Pearly Penile Papules a Contagious Disease

Pearly penile papules is a disease which affects a large share of men population. Well known for its little bumps situated on the top of the penis, pearly penile papules or Hirsuties Papillaris Genitalisas it is known in the medical world, is one of those conditions which affect more men’s self-esteem and pride than it actually harms the part of the body where is situated. One reason for which men are highly terrified about this disease is the fact that their partners may see the little bumps […]

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How Are Pearly Penile Papules Going to Affect My Life

Most men consider that their manhood lies in their penis. They name their little friend and treat it like a king. After all it is the one which makes them men. Yet, what happens when their penis is in trouble? Well, most of them panic and their safe-esteem reaches alarmist lower values. It is because they feel that their manhood is diminished and that they are no longer the man they used to be. One of the most common problems men have to face is pearly penile […]

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Can Antibiotic Ointments Treat Pearly Penile Papules

Pearly penile papules is a condition with which many men have had to deal or live with. A great percentage of the male population is said to have been affected by those small bumps located on the head of the penis, thus it can be said that pearly penile papules is one of the skin condition with the greatest occurrence in males. Because it is highly known that men have a hard time in discussing their personal problems with others, this condition is also one of the […]

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What Are Pearly Penile Papules and How Can They Be Treated

You have probably heard about pearly penile papules but did not know exactly what this means. Plus you never thought it would happen to you. But now you are looking at your penis and see some small bumps having the color of your skin or maybe a little more discolored and wonder what that may be. Your doctor or your best friend told you they are called pearly penile papules, but you still do not have enough information to understand what this condition is after all. Read […]

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